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Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Real-time tool path planning using deep learning for subtractive manufacturing
深度学习 减材制造 实时刀具 路径规划
2017年嵌入式实时系统的安全性和可靠性研讨会(2nd Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems)
2017年 嵌入式 实时系统 安全性 可靠性 研讨会
At their heart, many critical systems and system infrastructures are composed of real-time and embedded systems (RTES). For example, RTES control our power grids, maintain our smart homes, steer our v...
2018年SPIE实时光谱成像与诊断会议(SPIE Optical Biopsy XVI:Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis)
2018年 SPIE 实时光谱成像与诊断 会议
2018年SPIE实时光谱成像与诊断会议(SPIE Optical Biopsy XVI:Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis)。
2017届IEEE实时计算和机器人技术国际会议(2017 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics)
2017届 IEEE 实时计算 机器人技术 国际会议
The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (IEEE RCAR 2017) will take place from July 14 to 18, 2017 in Okinawa, Japan. The objective of this conference is to provide a...
2017年多方城域规模网络中的实时分析研讨会(Workshop on Real-time Analytics in Multi-Party, Metro-scale Networks)
2017年 多方城域规模网络中的实时分析 研讨会
Many Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications require real-time analytics to maintain situational awareness and make decisions for quick action. Most real-world IoT environments will involve:
· Multi-la...
2017IEEE实时嵌入式技术与应用研讨会(2017 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium) (RTAS)
实时嵌入式技术与应用 研讨会
RTAS’17, the 23rd in a series of annual conferences sponsored by the IEEE, will be held in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, as part of the Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek) in April, 2017. CPS Week 2017 will ...
第三届国际可扩展计算实时大数据应用研讨会(3rd International Workshop on Scalable Computing For Real-Time Big Data Applications)(SCRAMBL 2017)
第三届 国际可扩展计算 大数据应用 研讨会
SCRAMBL is a dedicated workshop to present and discuss leading
research results, use cases, innovative ideas, challenges, and
opportunities that arise from adopting real-time big data analytics at...
2016第15届实时光谱成像和诊断研讨会(Optical Biopsy XV:Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis)
2016 第15届 实时光谱成像和诊断 研讨会
BiOS is organized into six tracks. Choose a track and click to see the list of conferences.Review conference details by clicking on the titles below. These details include paper titles, authors, sched...

日前,在日本奈良举行的第19届IEEE Real-time学术会议上,来自近代物理系物理电子学2012级博士生祁宾祥提交的论文《A Compact PCI-based Measurement and Control System for Satellite-Ground Quantum Communication》经会议专家组评审,被评为4篇获奖学生论文(Student Paper Award)中...