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重庆师范大学物理与电子工程学院张丁可教授课题组在国际权威期刊《Advanced Optical Materials》发表重要成果(图)
对称性波导结构 钙钛矿电泵浦激光器件 激发阈值
2022年9月21日,重庆师范大学物理与电子工程学院光电功能材料重庆市重点实验室张丁可教授课题组通过设计一种对称性波导结构降低钙钛矿的激发阈值,并提高器件在运行过程中的稳定性,为钙钛矿电泵浦激光器件的实现提供了一定的指导意义。相关成果“Achieving Low Threshold and High Optical Gain Amplified Spontaneous Emission in MA...

2022年1月2日,Advanced Optical Materials最新上线苏州大学李孝峰教授团队研究论文“自驱动钙钛矿丹探测器(Self-Driving Perovskite Dember Photodetectors)”,为利用丹倍效应实现高性能自驱动光电探测提供了一个有前景的方案。江南大学理学院青年教师曹国洋博士与苏州大学光电科学与工程学院硕士生张昊宇为论文共同第一作者,李孝峰教授为通讯...

《Optical Materials Express》发表广州大学物理与材料科学学院研究生和本科生合作研究成果(图)
广州大学物理与材料科学学院 Optical Materials Express 光探测
近年来,无机钙钛矿材料在太阳能电池,发光器件,光探测,激光器件等信息和能源等领域应用潜力引起了国内外广泛关注。与传统 Si 和 III-V 半导体器件相比,无机钙钛矿材料生长和器件制作具有过程简单,且不需要高温和高真空制备环境等优点。作为三元无机钙钛矿材料体系中为数不多的宽禁带半导体,CsPbCl3钙钛矿具有带隙宽(3.1 eV),激子结合能高,优异的室温稳定性,载流子的迁移率高、扩散距离长等优点...
High Spatial Resolution Lidar Object-Based Classification Aerial Image Image segmentation
In order to classify high spatial resolution images more accurately, in this research, a hierarchical rule-based object-based classification framework was developed based on a high-resolution image wi...

Researchers Boost Efficiency And Stability Of Optical Rectennas(图)
Researchers Efficiency And Stability Optical Rectennas
The research team that announced the first optical rectenna in 2015 is now reporting a two-fold efficiency improvement in the devices — and a switch to air-stable diode materials. The improvements cou...
2018年SPIE透镜设计与光学工程的现状会议(SPIE Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XIX)
2018年 SPIE 透镜设计与光学工程的现状 会议
Optical design is a fascinating activity, ranging as it does from lens design and modeling with the help of the immensely powerful design software currently available, to the semi-intuitive art of cre...
The optical sensing and detection conference will emphasize the principles, characteristics and performance of photonic sensor and measurement systems. The former focuses on new and advanced optical- ...
2017SPIE安全与防御系统技术中的光学材料与生物材料专题会议(Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology)
2017 SPIE 安全与防御系统技术中的光学材料与生物材料 专题会议
This conference will highlight state of the art and emerging nano-bio materials and devices and their role in the development of new security and defence systems. The aim is to review materials and de...
2017SPIE光学建模与性能预测专题会议(Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions IX)
2017 SPIE 光学建模与性能预测 专题会议
2017SPIE光学建模与性能预测专题会议(Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions IX)。
2017OSA光学纳米结构和光伏先进材料专题会议(Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics)
2017 OSA 光学纳米结构和光伏先进材料 专题会议
Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics (PV) brings together experts in nanophotonics, materials science and photovoltaics to discuss the latest developments in nanophotonics a...
Optical sensors have many applications in R&D, national defense and commercial markets such as medical diagnostics and process control. But because of the breadth of applications for optical sensors, ...
2017OSA新型光学材料与应用专题会议(2017 Conferences on Novel Optical Materials and Applications)
2017 OSA 新型光学材料与应用 专题会议
NOMA is intended as “one comprehensive” conference which focuses on all types of optical materials, which are the key to advances in optical applications.The focus is on advances in design, fabricatio...
2017SPIE工业检验用光学测量系统会议(2017 Conference on Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X)
2017 SPIE 工业检验用光学测量系统 会议
2017SPIE工业检验用光学测量系统会议(2017 Conference on Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X)。
SPIE Digital Optical Technologies 2017 is a new conference focused on the components, systems design, and applications of emerging digital optical technologies in all social, academic, medical, and in...
2017SPIE生物材料检测,表征和光学成像方法会议(2017 Conference on Optical Methods for Inspection,Characterization,and Imaging of Biomaterials)
2017 SPIE 生物材料检测,表征和光学成像方法 会议
2017SPIE生物材料检测,表征和光学成像方法会议(2017 Conference on Optical Methods for Inspection,Characterization,and Imaging of Biomaterials)。