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中国地质大学科学技术发展院吴亚飞(博士研究生),李建威 等 资源学院/GPMR国家重点实验室 Geology, Available online 2 May 2019. Gold, arsenic, and copper zoning in pyrite: A record of fluid chemistry and growth kinetics

中国地质大学科学技术发展院靳晓野, 李建威等, 资源学院/GPMR国家重点实验室. Economic Geology, 2021, Calcite U-Pb dating unravels the age and hydrothermal history of the giant Shuiyindong Carlin-type gold deposit in the Golden Triangle, South China
近日,矿床学领域权威期刊《Economic Geology》刊发我校资源学院和GPMR国家重点实验室李建威教授团队和昆士兰大学放射性同位素实验室合作的研究成果——首次利用LA-(MC)-ICPMS方解石U-Pb测年法精确确定了卡林型金矿床的形成时代。这是该团队继卡林型金矿成矿流体来源与演化示踪研究“Noble gases fingerprint the source and evolution o...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院吴亚飞(博士研究生),李建威等 资源学院/GPMR国家重点实验室Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Available online 3 November 2018. Metal remobilization and ore-fluid perturbation during episodic replacement of auriferous pyrite from an epizonal orogenic gold deposit
近日,中国地质大学资源学院和GPMR国家重点实验室李建威教授团队在国际地球化学顶级期刊Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Nature Index)上发表了关于浅成造山型金矿床含金黄铁矿热液交代过程中金的再富集及成矿流体演化的研究成果。论文第一作者吴亚飞是中国地质大学与澳大利亚科廷大学联合培养的博士研究生,通讯作者为李建威教授。
Geology and Mineral Chemistry of Gold Mineralization in Mirge-Naqshineh Occurrence (Saqez, NW Iran): Implications for Transportation and Precipitation of Gold
gold quartz veins mineral chemistry EPMA Mirge-Naqshineh Iran
The Mirge-Naqshineh gold district is situated at northwest of Iran with a NW-trending brittle-ductile shear zone. It is hosted by Precambrian meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanic units traversed by mine...

Rusting pyrite ‘fool’s gold’ in glaciers a sign of increased carbon(图)
rusting pyrite fool’s gold glaciers increased carbon
Some say the world will end in fire, some in ice. One more reason to hold with those who favor fire: USC scientists have found that rock and soil breakdown in glaciers generates more acidity and relea...
Laser activated gold pyramids could deliver drugs,DNA into cells without harm
Laser activated gold pyramids deliver drugs DNA cells without harm
The ability to deliver cargo like drugs or DNA into cells is essential for biological research and disease therapy but cell membranes are very good at defending their territory. Researchers have devel...
Lead dressed like gold:Laser-altered molecules cast alchemy in a different light
Lead dressed like gold Laser-altered molecules cast alchemy different light
Since the Middle Ages, alchemists have sought to transmute elements, the most famous example being the long quest to turn lead into gold. Transmutation has been realized in modern times, but on a minu...

中国海洋大学“千人计划”教授谢尚平获得美国气象学会斯维尔德鲁普金质奖章(Sverdrup Gold Medal)(图)
中国海洋大学“千人计划” 教授 美国气象学会 斯维尔德鲁普金质奖章
2016年9月30日,美国气象学会(American Meteorological Society,AMS)公布了2017年度的获奖名单。中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室和海洋与大气学院“千人计划”谢尚平教授获得斯维尔德鲁普金质奖章(Sverdrup Gold Medal),成为该奖项自设立以来第40位获得者,也是首位获得该奖的华人科学家,同时谢尚平教授也入选AMS的会士(Fellow)。
Setting the gold standard
Setting gold standard
A team of University of Florida researchers has figured out how gold can be used in crystals grown by light to create nanoparticles, a discovery that has major implications for industry and cancer tre...
gold Mining and submarine tailings Disposal Review and case study
Disposal Review case study
Environmental impacts associated with submarine tailings disposal
(STD) of gold mine wastes vary widely among the relatively few cases studied.
The principal contaminants of concern surrounding mo...

Professor Paul Gold,Department of Biology at Syracuse University(图)
Department of Biology at Syracuse University Professor Aging, Cell Signaling and Communication
Lithospheric-scale structures in New Guinea and their control on the location of gold and copper deposits
Lithospheric-scale structures New Guinea location of gold copper deposits
The locations of major gold and copper deposits on the island of New Guinea are considered by many to be controlled by a series of transfer faults that strike N–S to NE–SW, perpendicular to the long a...
Gold nanoparticles help target, quantify breast cancer gene segments in a living cell
Gold nanoparticles help target, quantify breast cancer gene segments in a living cell
Alternative messenger RNA (mRNA) splicing is a fundamental process of gene regulation, and errors in RNA splicing are known to be associated with a variety of different diseases. However, there is cur...
Properties and applications of protein-stabilized fluorescent gold nanoclusters: short review
fluorescenc e medical ima ging particles sensor s
Research is turning toward nanotechnology for solutions to current limitations in biomedical imaging and analytical detection applications. New to fluorescent nanomaterials that could help advance suc...