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小代数秩 Fano 叶状结构

原子分子中类 FANO共振 光谱测量
中国科学技术大学科研部郭光灿院士团队与胡水明教授团队合作,在原子、分子精密测量研究领域取得新进展。他们揭示了原子分子精密光谱测量中的一种类Fano共振的新机制,发现在驻波场中对超窄线宽跃迁的激发会受到远失谐的强跃迁的影响,这对基于原子分子超窄跃迁的精密测量(如原子光钟、量子存贮等)将产生重要的影响。相关成果2022年10月10日以“Fano-like resonance due to interf...
Fano共振 局域表面等离激元 二聚体 时域有限差分法

上海理工大学太赫兹技术创新研究院在庄松林院士的带领下与美国俄克拉荷马州立大学张伟力教授,南洋理工大学Ranjan Singh教授以及东南大学崔铁军教授合作,在太赫兹频段人工粒子的Fano效应中取得重要进展。该研究通过在周期结构金属粒子中巧妙引入缺陷,实现了高Q值的多极子Fano效应的激发(图1),其FoM(Fano强度与Q值的乘积)是普通的分裂环微腔结构(SRR)的2.5倍。利用这种人工粒子,不仅...
2017 Workshop on Stability,Boundedness and Fano Varieties
2017 Workshop Stability,Boundedness and Fano Varieties
The research on Fano variety is always a central topic in mathematics. In the recent years, there has been vast progress in the the problems on boundedness,stability and moduli space.The primary goal ...

表面等离激元(surface plasmon)是金属中自由电子的一种元激发,用来描述电子在外场激励下振荡的集体运动行为。由于基于表面等离激元的器件具有能够突破衍射极限、实现局域场增强和对介电环境敏感等性质,表面等离激元研究日益受到广泛重视并得到快速发展。近年来,中科院物理研究所/北京凝聚态物理国家实验室(筹)邱祥冈研究员领导的课题组在该领域取得了若干重要进展。

金属薄膜 等离激元 Fano共振
表面等离激元(surface plasmon)是金属中自由电子的一种元激发,用来描述电子在外场激励下振荡的集体运动行为。由于基于表面等离激元的器件具有能够突破衍射极限、实现局域场增强和对介电环境敏感等性质,表面等离激元研究日益受到广泛重视并得到快速发展。近年来,中国科学院物理研究所/北京凝聚态物理国家实验室(筹)邱祥冈研究员领导的SC3课题组在该领域取得了若干重要进展。
Universality of Poisson Indicator and Fano Factor of Transport Event Statistics in Ion Channels and Enzyme Kinetics
Poisson Indicator Fano Factor Transport Event Statistics Ion Channels Enzyme Kinetics
We consider a generic stochastic model of ion transport through a single channel with arbitrary internal structure and kinetic rates of transitions between internal states.This model is also applicabl...
Classification of 2-Fano manifolds with high index
Classification of 2-Fano manifolds high index Algebraic Geometry
In this paper we classify n-dimensional Fano manifolds with index >=n-2 and positive second Chern character.
A type of the Lefschetz hyperplane section theorem on \Q-Fano 3-folds with Picard number one and $1/2(1,1,1)$-singularities
Lefschetz hyperplane section theorem Algebraic Geometry
Abstract: We prove a type of the Lefschetz hyperplane section theorem on Q-Fano 3-folds with Picard number one and $1/2(1,1,1)$-singularities by using some degeneration method. As a byproduct, we obta...
Families of canonically polarized manifolds over log Fano varieties
Families of canonically polarized manifolds log Fano varieties Algebraic Geometry
Abstract: Let (X,D) be a dlt pair, where X is a normal projective variety. Let S denote the support of the rounddown of D, and K the canonical divisor of X. We show that any smooth family of canonical...
Supremum of Perelman's entropy and Kahler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold
Kahler-Ricci flow Kahler-Ricci solitons Perelman entropy
Abstract: In this paper, we extend the method in [TZhu5] to study the energy level $L(\cdot)$ of Perelman's entropy $\lambda(\cdot)$ for K\"ahler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold. Consequently, we first ...
Birational superrigidity and slope stability of Fano manifolds
Birational superrigidity Fano manifolds Algebraic Geometry
Abstract: We show a relation between the birational superrigidity of Fano manifold and its slope stability in the sense of Ross-Thomas.
Fano manifolds which are not slope stable along curves
Fano manifolds slope stable along curves Algebraic Geometry
Abstract: We show that a Fano manifold (X,-K_X) is not slope stable with respect to a smooth curve Z if and only if (X,Z) is isomorphic to one of (projective space, line), (product of projective line ...