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A Quantitative Approach to Incentives: Application to Voting Rules
Voting Rules Quantitative
We present a general approach to quantifying a mechanism’s susceptibility to
strategic manipulation, based on the premise that agents report their preferences
truthfully if the potential gain from b...
Solution of the Inverse Problem of Linear Optimal Control with Positiveness Conditions and Relation to Sensitivity
Linear Optimal Control Positiveness Conditions
The property that the feedback control minimizes some performance index (1.3)
with Q ≥ 0 is of considerable interest because of its connection with the ability
of the control to reduce the sensitivi...
Semidefinite Programming Relaxations and Algebraic Optimization in Control
Control Algebraic Optimization
We present an overview of the essential elements of semidefinite programming as a computational tool for the analysis of systems and control problems. We make particular emphasis on general duality pr...
Empirical Model Reduction of Controlled Nonlinear Systems
Controlled Nonlinear Systems Model Reduction
In this paper we introduce a new method of model reduction for nonlinear systems with inputs and outputs. The method requires only standard matrix computations, and when applied to linear systems resu...
Tractable fitting with convex polynomials via sum-of-squares
via sum-of-squares Tractable fitting
We consider the problem of fitting given data with a convex polynomial. A technique to solve this problem using sum of squares polynomials is presented. This technique is extended to enforce convexity...
Decentralized Stochastic Decision Problems and Polynomial Optimization
Decision Problems Polynomial Optimization
In this paper we consider the problem of computing decentralized control policies in a discrete stochastic decision problem. For the problem we consider, computation of optimal decentralized policies ...
A Constant Factor Approximation Algorithm for Event-Based Sampling
Event-Based Sampling Approximation Algorithm
We consider a control system in which sensor data is transmitted from the plant to a receiver over a communication channel, and the receiver uses the data to estimate the state of the plant. Using a f...
针对一类同时具有变时滞和连续分布时滞的分布参数系统的状态反馈控制问题进行了研究, 通过选择适当的Lyapunov-Krasovskii 函数, 采用线性矩阵不等式(LMI) 方法, 得到了变时滞闭环系统渐近稳定的一个充分条件. 设计了无记忆的状态反馈控制器, 使得在一个正定矩阵存在的条件下, 闭环系统是可镇定的, 从而得到了常时滞分布参数系统可镇定的一个推论. 最后, 通过一个数值仿真例子说明了所...
最优控制 连续Markov跳变系统 随机最大值原理
针对连续Markov 跳变系统, 对其最优控制问题进行研究. 首先, 基于随机最大值原理, 设计完全状态信息情形下Markov 跳变系统的最优控制器; 然后, 采用导数原始定义结合Markov 跳变系统特性的方法, 得到了最优控制器系数矩阵的黎卡提微分方程, 进而将其推广到不完全状态信息情形; 最后, 通过数值仿真验证了所得控制器的正确性.
通过分析群决策过程, 提出使用模糊测度描述专家偏好之间可能存在的关联关系, 并给出了一种考虑专家偏好关联的群决策方法. 该方法从参评专家知识结构的相似性及判断结果的相似性出发, 通过计算得到相应的2-可加模糊测度来描述专家的重要程度, 并使用Choquet 积分将多个专家的偏好信息聚合为群体的判断结果. 最后, 通过一个潜艇装备论证的例子验证了所提出方法的可行性和合理性.
企业 统计技术 质量管理
随着经济全球化的深入,企业面临的竞争更加激烈。企业靠市场,市场靠产品,产品靠质量,21 世纪是“质量的世纪”,产品质量水平的高低关系企业的成败。质量已成为当今世界共同的语言,质量水平的高低在一定程度上影响一个国家在全球经济中的地位,在全球化的今天,产品和服务的市场竞争十分激烈,质量管理与控制日益显示出它的重要性。企业在质量管理中应有效运用统计技术,帮助企业提高产品质量、改进管理水平,促进效益增长。
Simultaneous Sequential Detection of Multiple Interacting Faults
Simultaneous Sequential Multiple Interacting Faults
Single fault sequential change point problems have become important in modeling for various
phenomena in large distributed systems, such as sensor networks. But such systems in many situations presen...
localization L{é}vy operators mathematical finances
We study the uniform H¨older continuity of the solutions of the following problem.F(x,∇v(x),∇2v(x)) −Z RN [v(x + z) − v(x)−1|z|<1h∇v(x), zi]c(z)dz − g(x) = 0 ...
On common values of $\phi(n)$ and $\sigma(m)$, II
Euler’s function sum of divisors function totients
For each positive-integer valued arithmetic function f, let Vf ⊂ N denote the image of f, and put Vf (x) := Vf ∩ [1, x] and Vf (x) := #Vf (x). Recently Ford, Luca, and Pomerance showed that V ∩...
Transmission Strategies in Multiple Access Fading Channels with Statistical QoS Constraints
Transmission Strategies Multiple Access Fading Channels Statistical QoS Constraints
Effective capacity, which provides the maximum constant arrival rate that a given service process can support while satisfying statistical delay constraints, is analyzed in a multiuser scenario. In pa...