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南京农业大学农学院《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》发表智慧农业团队“Simulating the effects of low-temperature stress during flowering stage on leaf-level photosynthesis with current rice models”(图)
智慧 农业 气候变化 作物
2024年来,南京农业大学农学院智慧农业团队在极端气候下的作物模型算法改进工作方面进行了深入研究,为未来气候变化背景下的作物生产力模拟提供了理论与技术基础。研究结果2024年8月2日以“Simulating the effects of low-temperature stress during flowering stage on leaf-level photosynthesis with c...
Canopy Temperature Differences between Liana-Infested and Non-Liana Infested Areas in a Neotropical Dry Forest
lianas temperature difference thermal infrared remote sensing unmanned?aerial?vehicle?system tropical dry?forest
Lianas (woody vines) are important non-structural elements of all tropical forests. Current field observations across the Neotropics suggest that liana abundance is rising as a result of?forest?distur...
Preparation and research of epoxy modified by carboxyl-terminated polybutylene adipate at room temperature
In this study, carboxyl-terminated polybutylene adipate (CTPBA) was used to modify epoxy resin, and the modified epoxy resin was cured by a room temperature rapid curing agent (T-31). The effects of C...
Time Series Analysis of Landsat Data for Investigating the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Forest Changes in Paphos Forest, Cyprus
time series Landsat Mediterranean forest LST NDVI Kalman filter decomposition cross-correlation breakpoints Big Earth Observation Data
This study aims to investigate how alternations of the land surface temperature (LST) affects the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in Paphos forest, Cyprus, using Landsat-5 and Landsat-8 ...
Room-Temperature Green Recyclable Epoxy Composites with Enhanced Mechanical and Thermal Properties Cross-Linked via B-O-C Bonds
Dynamic covalent bond Epoxy resin Green chemistry Polymerization Thermoset composites
Without any catalyst, a novel way for the preparation of epoxy (EDSPs) and their composites by cross-link via dynamic B-O-C bonds was presented. The EDSPs with a glass transition temperature (T-g) of ...
Stretchable and self-healable double-network ionogel with strong adhesion and temperature tolerance for information encryption
Ionic liquids Ionogel Double network Fluorescence Information encryption
Recently, hydrogels with adjustable mechanical properties have been developed for information security applications. However, the defects such as easy drying and inferior resistance to extreme tempera...
Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes/epoxy nanocomposites: Pre-curing, curing temperature, and cooling rate
Carbon nanotubes curing epoxy mechanical properties nanocomposites polymer nanocomposites
The effects of composite fabrication, such as pre-curing, curing temperature, and cooling rate, were studied. In this work, the pre-curing was defined as heat treatment of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube...
Low-temperature 3D printing and curing process of continuous fiber-reinforced thermosetting polymer composites
3D printing CFRTPC curing behavior prediction low-temperature process model-free kinetics
The reported work has developed a methodology of printing and curing continuous fiber-reinforced thermosetting polymer composites (CFRTPCs) with excellent mechanical properties at low temperatures. Fi...
WRKY Transcription Factors (TFs): Molecular Switches to Regulate Drought, Temperature, and Salinity Stresses in Plants
WRKY TFs drought-stress Salinity-stress Temperature-stress Cold-stress Plant development and growth Plants/Crops
The WRKY transcription factor (TF) belongs to one of the major plant protein superfamilies. The WRKY TF gene family plays an important role in the regulation of transcriptional reprogramming associate...
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Numerical simulation and optimal design of fissure karst type high-temperature thermal storage and development
裂隙岩溶型 高温储热开发 数值模拟 优化设计

南京农业大学农学院《Plant Biotechnology Journal》发表国家大豆改良中心杨守萍教授团队“The miR156b-GmSPL2b module mediates male fertility regulation of cytoplasmic male sterility-based restorer line under high-temperature stress in soybean”(图)
大豆改良 杨守萍 基因资源
2023年4月18日,南京农业大学杨守萍教授团队在《Plant Biotechnology Journal》上在线发表了题为“The miR156b-GmSPL2b module mediates male fertility regulation of cytoplasmic male sterility-based restorer line under high-temperature st...

南京农业大学农学院《Environmental Science & Technology》发表水稻栽培团队“Unexpected parabolic temperature dependency of CH4 emissions from rice paddies”(图)
水稻栽培 低碳排放
气候变暖日益加剧,而稻田甲烷(CH4)排放对气温升高的响应依旧扑朔迷离即正响应、负响应或无响应都常被报道。南京农业大学丁艳锋教授团队联合国内外优势团队发现稻田CH4排放对气温升高响应的不确定性主要由淹水期背景气温导致,即适中的背景温度下响应强而低温或高温响应弱。增温导致的稻田CH4的增排效应被主流模型严重低估。相关研究成果以“Unexpected parabolic temperature dep...

Protein controlled by both light and temperature can inform cell signal pathways(图)
蛋白质 细胞 信号通路
中国地质大学科学技术发展院张盼峰(博士研究生),任国玉*,等. 环境学院. 2019, Journal of Climate, Observed Changes in Extreme Temperature over the Global Land Based on a Newl y Developed Station Daily Dataset
近日,中国地质大学环境学院大气科学系任国玉教授团队在全球极端气候检测领域的研究工作取得重要进展,相关研究成果发表在大气科学领域权威期刊《Journal of Climate》(IF = 4.66)。该研究基于我国第一套全球日气温数据集建立了1951-2015年全球陆地极端气温平均时间序列,填补了我国在全球尺度极端气温变化检测领域的研究空白。

[成果]北京师范大学物理学系张金星和沈卡小组与合作者以“Strain-Driven Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction for Room-Temperature Magnetic Skyrmions”为题发表学术成果(图)
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用,是一种反对称自旋交换作用,于上个世纪六十年代由I. Dzyaloshinskii利用唯象理论提出,并由T. Moriya在超交换相互作用中考虑自旋轨道耦合而发展的微观理论,被用来解释磁性体系中诸多新奇物理现象(自旋玻璃中的各向异性场、多铁性材料中的磁电耦合、自旋波的非对称色散关系、非共线磁结构等)。近十几年来,由于DM相互作用而实现的螺旋...