搜索结果: 1-15 共查到“Pacific”相关记录774条 . 查询时间(0.127 秒)
Pacific Economic Review is the official journal of the Hong Kong Economic Association and focuses on economic issues in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 1994, it has published high-quality research in a...
Estimation of Surface Canopy Water in Pacific Northwest Forests by Fusing Radar, Lidar, and Meteorological Data
individual trees Sentinel-1 radar imagery time series Pacific Northwest
Surface Canopy Water (SCW) is the intercepted rain water that resides within the tree canopy and plays a significant role in the hydrological cycle. Challenges arise in measuring?SCW?in remote areas u...

中国社会科学院大学法学院代表队荣获第二届Asia Pacific Vis Pre Moot国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁庭辩论赛冠军(图)
Asia Pacific Vis Pre Moot 商事仲裁 模拟仲裁庭 辩论赛

厦门大学会计发展研究中心林朝南副教授在Pacific-Basin Finance Journal发表论文(图)
厦门大学会计发展研究中心 林朝南 Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 财务会计 财务管理 公司治理

Weakened wind patterns likely spurred the wave of extreme ocean heat that swept the North Pacific last summer, according to new research funded by the National Science Foundation a...

北京大学国际关系学院副教授王栋再次在国际一流SSCI期刊The Pacific Review上发表论文(图)
北京大学国际关系学院 副教授 王栋 国际一流SSCI期刊 国际关系 区域国别
2020年2月19日,我院副教授王栋(第一作者、通讯作者)在国际一流SSCI(Social Sciences Citations Index)期刊The Pacific Review上发表题为”China debating the regional order”的论文。文章围绕9大主题对中国国内学术界和政策界关于地区秩序的争论做了系统梳理和考察,包括:中俄是否应当结盟;中国是否应当向周边国家提供安...

Sinking of Zealandia, Earth's hidden continent, linked to forging of the Pacific 'Ring of Fire'(图)
Sinking of Zealandia Earth hidden continent linked Pacific
New findings from the expedition, funded largely by the U.S. National Science Foundation with contributions from more than 20 partner nations, were recently published in the Geological Society of Amer...

Dust in the wind:North Pacific Ocean fertilized by iron in Asian dust(图)
Dust wind North Pacific Ocean fertilized iron Asian dust
Vast subtropical gyres -- large systems of rotating currents in the middle of the oceans -- cover 40% of the Earth. The gyres have long been considered biological deserts, with waters that contain ver...

Arsenic-breathing microbes discovered in the tropical Pacific Ocean(图)
Arsenic-breathing microbes tropical Pacific Ocean
For most living things, arsenic is a deadly poison, but new research shows that microorganisms are breathing arsenic in a large area of the Pacific Ocean. A University of Washington team has discovere...
Ⅲ期非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)约占初诊肺癌的30%,基于淋巴结受累情况可切除性存在很大差异。对于不可手术切除的Ⅲ期NSCLC,目前的标准治疗是同步放化疗,但是患者的5年生存率低于20%。PACIFIC研究是在过去的几十年里,Ⅲ期不可切除的NSCLC全身治疗中,第一个无进展生存期(progression-free survival,PFS)和总生...

北京化工大学任志博博士与美国西北太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)梅东海教授联合在《Science》发表研究论文(Article)(图)
北京化工大学 任志博 博士 美国西北太平洋国家实验室 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 梅东海 教授 研究论文
2017年12月15日,我校李建伟教授指导的博士研究生任志博同学(2014级)以共同作者身份与美国西北太平洋国家实验室的梅东海教授在国际顶级学术期刊《Science》在线发表了题为《Activation of surface lattice oxygen in single-atom Pt/CeO2 for low-temperature CO oxidation》的研究论文(Article),我...
2018年亚太—欧洲智能结构技术暑期学校(2018 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology)
2018年 亚太—欧洲 智能结构技术 暑期学校
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 2018 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APESS). The summer school is organized under auspices of the Asian-Pacific Network o...
2018年国际亚太道德教育学术研讨会(The 12th Anniversary Conference of the Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education (APNME))
2018年 国际亚太 道德教育 学术研讨会
2018年国际亚太道德教育学术研讨会(The 12th Anniversary Conference of the Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education (APNME))。
第十三届环太平洋激光和光电激光会议(The 13th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics)
第十三届 环太平洋激光和光电激光 会议
The 13th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2018) will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong SAR from 29 July to 3 August 201...
2018 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology(APESS)
2018 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School Smart Structures Technology
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 2018 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APESS). The summer school is organized under auspices of the Asian-Pacific Network o...