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深圳北京大学香港科技大学医学中心詹启敏/崔永萍团队新发表在National Science Review杂志上的论文揭示了食管癌中免疫与肿瘤互作驱动的空间定向进化(图)
食管癌 死亡率 食管鳞状细胞癌
目前,食管癌的发病率与死亡率在全球范围内均排在前列,超过一半以上的患者发生在我国,其中约90%的病理类型为食管鳞状细胞癌(esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,ESCC)。通过以往的研究发现,食管鳞癌在基因组变异和肿瘤微环境等方面均具有广泛的肿瘤异质性,而造成食管鳞癌异质性的原因尚不清楚。因此,充分了解肿瘤异质性的特征以及其形成机制将有助于指导食管鳞癌药物开发以及临...
Modelling above-ground biomass stock over Norway using national forest inventory data with ArcticDEM and Sentinel-2 data
Space-borne imagery Stereogrammetry Boreal forest structure Biomass mapping Open data
Boreal forests constitute a large portion of the global forest area, yet they are undersampled through field surveys, and only a few remotely sensed data sources provide structural information wall-to...
The Impacts of Different Climate Change Scenarios on Visits toward the National Forest Park in Taiwan
weather factors visitation climate change
Many studies have shown that the weather greatly affects the tourist count. Understanding weather information, climate change, and how they influence the tourist count in different tourist seasons (pe...
Effect of Climate on Carbon Storage Growth Models for Three Major Coniferous Plantations in China Based on National Forest Inventory Data
carbon storage carbon sequestration capacity variable parameter growth model climatic factor
Forest inventory data (FID) are important resources for understanding the dynamics of forest carbon cycling at regional and global scales. Developing carbon storage growth models and analyzing the dif...
Modelling of the reef benthic habitat distribution within the Cabrera National Park (Western Mediterranean Sea)
GIS bathymetry habitats mapping Mediterranean
Habitat spatial distribution is essential to know where to focus the protection of the seafloor resources. In this work, the bathymetry and backscatter seabed data show the importance of remote sensin...
Research on Ecological Compensation of National Parks Based on Tourism Concession Mechanism
protected natural areas ecological compensation concession Pilot Programs for Shennongjia National Park System
The Chinese government has already proposed to build a nature protected area system composed mainly of national parks and encourages the development of concession operations in national parks. The est...
The Volcanic Geoheritage of El Teide National Park (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
Volcanic Geoheritage National Park
El Teide National Park on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands) is home to one of the most spectacular volcanic landscapes in the world. Although the conservation of its geodiversity is not a major ...
Effects of Soundscapes on Human Physiology and Psychology in Qianjiangyuan National Park System Pilot Area in China
soundscape national parks human physiology human psychology
The development of China's national parks is still in the initial stage, and few scholars have studied the effects of soundscapes on human physiology and psychology from the perspective of the auditor...
Assessing the validity of mobile device data for estimating visitor demographics and visitation patterns in Yellowstone National Park
Mobile device data Visitor demographics Temporal visitation patterns National park
Monitoring visitor demographics and temporal visitation patterns can help national park managers understand their visitors and allocate resources more effectively. Traditional approaches, such as visi...
Biodiversity Conservation of National Parks and Nature-Protected Areas in West Africa: The Case of Kainji National Park, Nigeria
carbon storage and sequestration climate change habitat diversity Kainji National Park protected areas air quality
Due to rising global warming and climate change, biodiversity protection has become a critical ecological concern. Rich biodiversity zones are under threat and are deteriorating, necessitating nationa...

成都理工大学教师在《National Science Review》发表重磅文章:祝融号火星车确认乌托邦平原盐水活动和水汽循环证据(图)
成都理工大学 祝融号 乌托邦 平原盐水活动 水汽循环 证据 发表
近日,综合性权威期刊《National Science Review》(《国家科学评论》)发表了题为“In situ analysis of surface composition and meteorology at the Zhurong landing site on Mars”。该研究通过对我国“天问一号”火星任务祝融号火星车所搭载的导航地形相机(NaTeCams)、火星表面成分探测仪(M...

2022年6月24日,山西农业大学与中国科学院微生物研究所联合署名,在《National Science Review》(最新影响因子23.178)上在线发表题为“Cross-species recognition and molecular basis of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV binding to ACE2s of marine animals”的研究性论文。