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Feeding Unprotected CLA Methyl Esters Compared to Sunflower Seeds Increased Milk CLA Level but Inhibited Milk Fat Synthesis in Cows
CLA-oil, Dairy Cow, Milk Fat, Sunflower Seeds
An experiment was conducted to compare the effect of the same amount of 18:2 offered either as 18:2n-6 or as a mixture of unprotected 18:2c9t11 and 18:2t10c12 on feed intake, milk components as well a...
Milk Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Profile and Metabolic Responses of Dairy Cows Fed with High-temperature-micro-time (HTMT) Treated Diets Containing High Quantity Extruded Soybean (ESB)
HTMT Milk Fat CLA Metabolic Response Holstein Cow
A feeding trial was conducted to examine the effect of high-temperature-micro-time (HTMT) processing of diets containing extruded soybean (ESB) in high quantity on milk fat production, metabolic respo...
Influence of Supplementing Dairy Cows Grazing on Pasture with Feeds Rich in Linoleic Acid on Milk Fat Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Content
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Milk Serum Bacteria
Three experiments were conducted to investigate the hypothesis that cows grazing on pasture produce the highest proportion of c-9 t-11 CLA in milk fat and no further increase can be achieved through s...
由中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所王加启研究员主持完成的国家“十五”奶业科技重大专项“奶牛共轭亚油酸(CLA)合成调控机理研究及其产品开发” 研究成果已于近日荣获北京市科学技术一等奖。
奶牛 共轭亚油酸 调控机理
该项成果建立起适合批量分析的牛奶CLA定量检测技术和针对瘤胃主要氢化细菌的实时PCR定量检测技术,揭示了瘤胃微生物氢化不饱和脂肪酸产生CLA前体物质的规律,从分子水平阐明日粮鱼油和亚油酸影响乳腺CLA合成的机理,开发出日粮油脂优化组合、瘤胃发酵调控和奶牛个体筛选等提高牛奶CLA的单项调控技术,并集成为CLA原料奶产业化生产技术体系,在不影响奶牛其它生产指标的前提下,将牛奶的共轭亚油酸含量从 10m...
调控机理研究 合成共轭亚油酸 奶牛
主要完成人员:王加启、魏宏阳、卜登攀 、黄文明、周凌云、邓先德、安福刚、朱新民、王书云、付宝华、李树聪、刘宝东
起 止 时 间:2002年6月-2005年8月
获 奖 情 况:2006年北京市科学技术一等奖(2007年评奖)
内 容 提 要:
Effect of Feeding Ca-salts of Fatty Acids from Soybean Oil and Linseed Oil on c9,t11-CLA Production in Ruminal Fluid and Milk of Holstein Dairy Cows
Ca-salts of Fatty Acids Conjugated Linoleic Acid Milk Production Rumen Fermentation Vaccenic Acid
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation with calcium salts of soybean oil fatty acids (CaSO) and linseed oil fatty acids (CaLO) on c9,t11-CLA production in...
亚油酸 共轭亚油酸 奶牛 乳脂肪
选用40头泌乳中期(169.8±8) DIM的中国荷斯坦奶牛随机分为4组,采用完全随机试验设计,研究日粮亚油酸和亚麻酸水平对乳脂CLA合成的影响。试验共设4个处理,分别为高亚油酸组(LA)、高亚麻酸组(LEA)、高亚油酸和亚麻酸组合组(HLALEA)和低亚油酸和亚麻酸组(LLALEA)。通过9周的试验结果表明,不同处理对干物质采食量、泌乳净能校正产奶量、乳蛋白及乳脂肪的含量和日产量均没有显著影响。...
胎次 共轭亚油酸 △9-去饱和酶指数
选择235头健康的中国北方荷斯坦奶牛为研究对象,为避免日粮和季节的影响,奶牛饲喂同种日粮,采集同一天的乳样,测定奶牛泌乳性能和乳脂肪酸组成,研究胎次对乳中CLA含量和△9去饱和酶指数的影响。研究结果表明:乳中c9,t11 CLA含量平均为5.14 mg/g脂肪酸,变化范围1.5~10.5 mg/g脂肪酸。初产奶牛的c9,t11 CLA平均含量为5.19 mg/g脂肪酸,而经产奶牛的c9,t11 ...
Influence of Supplementing Dairy Cows Grazing on Pasture with Feeds Rich in Linoleic Acid on Milk Fat Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Content
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Milk Serum Bacteria
Three experiments were conducted to investigate the hypothesis that cows grazing on pasture produce the highest proportion of c-9 t-11 CLA in milk fat and no further increase can be achieved through s...
共轭亚油酸 c9 t11-CLA异构体 抗肿瘤 作用机理
共轭亚油酸(Conjugated linoleic acid,CLA)是一组亚油酸的异构体,是食物中的天然成分,其主要作用物质是c9,t11-CLA异构体。研究表明此类脂肪酸对各种恶性肿瘤有较强的抑制作用。关于CLA的抗肿瘤机理目前国内外研究较多,发现其抗肿瘤作用机理是多方面的。该文就CLA对肿瘤细胞转移特性的影响,抑制癌细胞增殖,抑制致癌因子的活性等方面做了一个综述。
亚油酸 共轭亚油酸 奶牛 乳脂肪
选用40头泌乳中期(169.8±8) DIM的中国荷斯坦奶牛随机分为4组,采用完全随机试验设计,研究日粮亚油酸和亚麻酸水平对乳脂CLA合成的影响。试验共设4个处理,分别为高亚油酸组(LA)、高亚麻酸组(LEA)、高亚油酸和亚麻酸组合组(HLALEA)和低亚油酸和亚麻酸组(LLALEA)。通过9周的试验结果表明,不同处理对干物质采食量、泌乳净能校正产奶量、乳蛋白及乳脂肪的含量和日产量均没有显著影响。...
Effect of the Mixed Oil and Monensin Supplementation, and Feeding Duration of Supplements on c9,t11-CLA Contents in Plasma and Fat Tissues of Korean Native (Hanwoo) Steers
C18:2-rich Oils Monensin Fish Oil c9, t11-CLA Fat Tissue Hanwoo Steer
The present study was conducted with twenty-four Korean native (Hanwoo) steers to observe the effect of mixed oil and monensin supplementation and duration of feeding on c9,t11-CLA content in plasma a...
Effect of C18-polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Their Direct Incorporation into the Rumen Bacterial Lipids and CLA Production In vitro
Linoleic Acid Linolenic Acid Bio-hydrogenation CLA Rumen Bacteria
An in vitro study was conducted to determine the effect of C18-polyunsaturated fatty acid on direct incorporation into the rumen bacteria, bio-hydrogenation and production of CLA in vitro. Sixty milli...
Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) on Piglets` Growth and Reproductive Performance in Sows
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Sow`s Reproductive Performance Piglet Growth
The objective of this study was to investigate effects of dietary level of CLA and the duration of feeding CLA-containing diets on reproductive performance in sows and piglet growth rate. Tallow (3% i...