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中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所方红亮研究员在总结过去二十余年相关研究的基础上,发表了题为“Canopy clumping index (CI): A review of methods, characteristics, and applications”的综述文章。文章全面综述了全球聚集指数研究的最新进展和对未来发展的展望。(1)关于植被聚集指数的地面实测方法,目前最常用的是有限长度平均法和间隙...

近日南京信息工程大学应用气象学院邱让建副教授在《Agricultural Forest Meteorology》上发表估算实际水汽压的新方法(图)
南京信息工程大学 应用气象学院 邱让建 副教授 《Agricultural Forest Meteorology》 水汽压
近日,我院邱让建副教授在《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》(农林科学I区top期刊,2020年影响因子4.651)上发表题为“An improved method to estimate actual vapor pressure without relative humidity data”的研究论文。该论文第一作者是我校邱让建副教授,硕士研究生李隆安为第...

南京信息工程大学应用气象学院邱让建副教授在《Agricultural Forest Meteorology》上发表不同类型增温对水稻蒸散发影响最近进展(图)
南京信息工程大学 应用气象学院 邱让建 副教授 《Agricultural Forest Meteorology》 增温 水稻蒸散
近日,我实验室邱让建副教授在《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》(农林科学I区top期刊,2020年影响因子4.651)上发表题为“Differential response of rice evapotranspiration to varying patterns of warming”的研究论文,该论文第一作者是我校邱让建副教授,杜克大学Katul教授和...
暨南大学环境与气候研究院王雪梅教授团队在Agricultural and Forest Meteorology期刊发表高水平文章
暨南大学 环境与气候研究院 王雪梅 教授 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 文章
准确估算地表热通量是气候和空气质量预报的关键,需要在地表模式中进行适当的参数化。我院王雪梅教授团队常鸣博士和合作者应用标杆评估方法(Benckmarking method),衡量和得到了Noah-MP陆面模型的物理参数化方案组合的差异,研究发现利用基准衡量指标可以触及地表过程的细微差别。并进一步探讨了物理机制组合差异对华南典型亚热带森林(鼎湖山森林生态系统研究站)陆面能量通量模拟的影响,认为在亚热...

兰州大学资源环境学院博士研究生田杰在Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 期刊发表研究成果(图)
兰州大学资源环境学院 博士研究生 田杰 高寒山区 土壤水文
近日,兰州大学资源环境学院2015级博士研究生田杰和贺缠生教授与张宝庆教授(共同通讯作者)及合作者在国际一流期刊Agricultural and Forest Meteorology发表了题为“Dynamic response patterns of profile soil moisture wetting events under different land covers in the Mo...
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will be holding the Meteorology Divisional Meeting in Montréal, between 7 and 18 July 2014, in part conjointly with the Fifteenth Session of the Wo...
Variability of the nighttime OH layer and mesospheric ozone at high latitudes during northern winter: influence of meteorology
the nighttime OH layer mesospheric ozone northern winter meteorology
Analyses of OH zonal means, recorded at boreal high latitudes by the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) in winters of 2005–2009, have shown medium- (weeks) and short- (days) term variability of the nig...
The invigoration of deep convective clouds over the Atlantic: aerosol effect, meteorology or retrieval artifact?
deep convective clouds the Atlantic aerosol effect meteorology retrieval artifact
Associations between cloud properties and aerosol loading are frequently observed in products derived from satellite measurements. These observed trends between clouds and aerosol optical depth sugges...
Sensitivity of tracer transport to model resolution, prescribed meteorology and tracer lifetime in the general circulation model ECHAM5
model resolution prescribed meteorology tracer lifetime the general circulation model ECHAM5
Atmospheric transport of traces gases and aerosols plays an important role in the distribution of air pollutants and radiatively active compounds. For model simulations of chemistry-climate interactio...
Atmospheric Particulate Pollutants and their Relationship with Meteorology in Ahmedabad
Urban air pollution Particulate pollutants Meteorological variables Air Quality Index Statistical analysis
Urban air pollution is rapidly becoming an environmental problem of public concern worldwide. It can influence public
health and local/regional weather and climate. In the present study, airborne par...
Modelling regional scale surface fluxes,meteorology and CO2 mixing ratios for the Cabauw tower in the Netherlands
regional scale surface fluxes meteorology CO2 mixing ratios Cabauw tower
We simulated meteorology and atmospheric CO2 transport over the Netherlands with the mesoscale model RAMS-Leaf3 coupled to the biospheric CO2 flux model 5PM. The results were compared with meteorologi...
The impact of MM5 and WRF meteorology over complex terrain on CHIMERE model calculations
MM5 WRF meteorology CHIMERE model calculations
The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of meteorological input data on calculated gas and aerosol concentrations. We use two different meteorological models (MM5 and WRF) together with ...
Interannual variability in hindcasts of atmospheric chemistry: the role of meteorology
Interannual variability hindcasts atmospheric chemistry meteorology
Two 40-year meteorological datasets are used to drive the Model of Ozone and Related Tracers chemical transport model, version 2 (MOZART2) in hindcast simulations. One dataset is from the National Cen...
Digital Processing of Weather Radar Data at the Department of Meteorology,University of Helsinki
weather data rada Meteorology Processing fluctuations
Digital Processing of Weather Radar Data at the Department of Meteorology, University of Helsinki.
Comparison of the meteorology and surface energy balance at Storbreen and Midtdalsbreen,two glaciers in southern Norway
Comparison of the meteorology surface energy balance Storbreen and Midtdalsbreen
We compare 5 years of meteorological records from automatic weather stations (AWSs) on Storbreen and Midtdalsbreen, two glaciers in southern Norway, located approximately 120 km apart. The records are...